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Gym Software Nepal

Gym and club management systems provide fitness businesses the functionality to manage schedules, memberships, and facilities. The capabilities of gym management systems include storing member information in a database, managing financial records, scheduling classes, and reserving facilities.


Activity Module

Manage Activities available in GYM.
Add activities like Yoga, aerobics, leg curl and so on.
Assign activity to each membership plan

Membership records

Add member and bulk import
Accept Membership fees with Fonepay & Esewa (Record Management)
Send membership fees reminder invoice to member.
Payment History and generate

Attendance Module

Manage staff Attendace
Manage member presence
Take Attendance of customer

Payment Module

Keep Track of all payment history.
Payment Log is possible.
Option available for Offline Payment.
Payment list with paid or not-paid

Invoice Module

Manage invoice from admin.
Generate invoices for member payments.
Print / SMS invoice directly from the system.

Report Module

Generate report by membership plan.
Generate payment - income report.
Membership Report
Make important announcement through notice module. SMS / Email